
NEH Workshops Stipends & Credits

NEH Workshops Banner image featuring archival photograph of Heart Mountain site including the mountain, guard tower, and barracks. Photo by Yoshio Okumoto.
Group shot of workshop participants in front of Heart Mountain

We have two engaging residential weeks planned: Session I: June 16-21 and Session II: June 23-28, 2024. Participants will learn the history of the Heart Mountain Wyoming incarceration site. Both workshops end on Friday afternoon. Participants are welcome and encouraged to explore the other sites of interest in the area to get a full picture of the history, geography, and culture of the region. Cody is only 50 miles from the east entrance to Yellowstone National Park. The Interpretive Center is 80 miles south of Chief Plenty Coups State Park in Montana, an easy driving stop from the airport in Billings, Montana.

Teachers selected to participate will receive a $1,300 stipend to help defray transportation, meals and lodging costs at the end of the workshop session. If the situation is such that the workshop must be delivered online, the stipend amount will be $650. Stipends are taxable.

Heart Mountain, Wyoming and the Japanese American Incarceration workshop participants are required to attend all scheduled meetings and to engage fully as professionals in keeping with the NEH Principles of Civility in all project activities. Participants who do not complete the full tenure of the project will receive a reduced stipend.

Project applicants who accept an offer to participant are expected to remain during the entire period of the program and to participate in its work on a full-time basis. If a participant is obliged through special circumstances to depart before the end of the program, it shall be the recipient institution’s responsibility to see that only a pro rata share of the stipend is received or that the appropriate pro rata share of the stipend is returned if the participant has already received the full stipend.

Important note about the environment:

Please also note that the workshop organizers would like applicants to be aware that in order to fully experience the environment, there is some amount of walking on site and the weather will be hot and dry. Evenings are often cool, so some kind of layered clothing is a good idea to bring.

During and at the end of the workshop, participants will be asked to provide an assessment of their workshop experience, especially in terms of its value to their personal and professional development. These confidential online evaluations will become a part of the project’s grant file. Completion of the evaluation is a requirement of the stipend.

Participants who would like to opt for university credit can earn credits from the University of Wyoming. Since we have moved from an on-line format to in-person, this is under review and the details will be posted soon. Please check back for details.

The Heart Mountain, Wyoming and the Japanese American Incarceration 2024 Workshop has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

©2025 Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation