Heart Mountain Relocation Center Roster
This digital resources list was obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 210. Any errors or omissions that have come to our attention have been amended on our hard copy at the Heart Mountain Interpretive Center.
Please contact us at info@heartmountain.org if you identify any further roster inconsistencies. Adjustments will only be made on the on-site, hard copy, and will not be reflected on the electronic copies available on our website.
Click below to view or download the digital resources sections of the Roster of those incarcerated at the Heart Mountain Relocation Center. Incarcerees are listed alphabetically by last name. The Roster has been imaged only and is NOT full-text searchable.
Note: Depending on your connection speed, these large files may take several minutes to download.
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Further digital resources are available from a wide variety of sources. Check out some of these organizations and websites below.