
Digital Exhibits

Welcome to our new digital exhibits portal! Our first two digital exhibits are History Often Rhymes: COVID-19 and the Racialization of Disease and Heart Mountain Bungei: Volume One. Click the images or follow the links below to explore this exhibit.

Digital exhibit banner for History Often Rhymes.

History Often Rhymes:
COVID-19 and the Racialization of Disease

This exhibit explores the parallels of past outbreaks with the current pandemic and the roles race, discrimination, scapegoating, and perceived foreignness play in reactions to public health threats.

Heart Mountain Bungei:
Volume One

The Heart Mountain Bungei is a Japanese-language magazine that was published by the Japanese Americans confined at the Heart Mountain camp during WWII. Bungei (pronounced boon-gay; 文藝 or 文芸 in Japanese) roughly translates to “arts and literature.” The magazine featured poetry, zuihitsu (short essays), and short stories.

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