
Advertise in the 2023 Pilgrimage Program!

We would like to invite you to support our summer Pilgrimage by placing a personal ad, message, or shoutout in our program. Programs are distributed to all Pilgrimage participants (~300 people) over the course of our three day event, which runs this year from July 27 – 29. This offers a unique opportunity to celebrate your loved ones, Heart Mountain, and the Pilgrimage. We have a number of sizing options (see the chart below).

We hope you will consider taking advantage of this unique opportunity in support of the Heart Mountain Pilgrimage. If you have any questions regarding the progress, please feel free to contact Kate Wilson, katew@heartmountain.org.


⅛ page ad (2 ⅛” x 5 ½”)$75.00
¼ page ad (4 ¼” x 5 ½”)$200.00
½ page ad (8 ½” x 5 ½”)$300.00
Full page ad (8 ½” x 11″)$550.00


Ads may include: 

  • Photo(s) and other decorative elements
  • A message shouting out any individual, family, or group (welcomes, celebrations, tributes, in memoriams, etc.)
  • A supportive message for Heart Mountain and/or the Pilgrimage

Ads may NOT include: 

  • Anything that hints at supporting a political cause, agenda, and/or campaign

Please note: All ads are in color. Acceptable formats are  JPG, TIFF, PSD, EPS, or PDF files (“Press Quality”). The artwork should be properly sized to fit the program format (sizes above), with a resolution of at least 300dpi. We cannot be responsible for poor print quality of low-resolution or improperly sized ads.

We are happy to work with you to design an advertisement for your organization if you do not have one already created. Contact Kate Wilson at katew@heartmountain.org for ad planning.

All artwork is due by June 30, at the latest.

Submission Instructions: email your artwork to Kate Wilson, katew@heartmountain.org

Payment: Once your ad is received, you will receive confirmation and an invoice by email from Heart Mountain. All payments will be due within a month of receipt of the invoice.

**If you would like to advertise your business, please consider becoming a corporate sponsor! Fill out the application and send it to Kate Wilson, katew@heartmountain.org.

Business Sponsorship Details:

©2025 Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation