
Racist claims about Asians and virus perpetuate false and dangerous stereotypes

HMWF Board Chair Shirley Ann Higuchi addresses discrimination and attacks against Asian Americans in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Deadly viruses such as COVID-19 don’t respect international boundaries. We know that more than ever as the virus has spread from China to South Korea to Japan, Italy, Spain, France and now the United States, which now has more documented cases of the virus than any other nation.

Labeling COVID-19 the “Chinese” or “Wuhan” virus accomplishes nothing other than to fix the blame for our government’s failures on people who look different than most Americans.

This careless rhetoric divides us when we most need to stand together. It makes it too easy for racism to flourish and for innocent people of Asian descent to feel the stigma that has afflicted many of us since our families first arrived in this country more than 100 years ago. We all need to make it stop now.”

Read the full article HERE

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